Every construction company aims to eliminate, mitigate or minimize operational risks while optimizing resource performance standards. It is easier said than done and calls for a concerted effort from all stakeholders right from planning stage to execution stage. Having everyone on the same page with reference to multiple tasks of a construction activity is by no means an easy task. Digitization of entire operational procedures including planning is the ideal solution to achieve this much desired objective of SAFETY.
Construction activity ranks among the top most risk category workplaces. Additionally, most of it, at least in India, is labor intensive. Workforce is expected to undertake tasks in hazardous zones too. In this backdrop, worksites should be ‘Smart’ to ensure safety and compliance. Work permit is one area which helps in modernizing the work flows and preventing the workers and contractors from getting injured at construction sites.
Simply put, a work permit is an entry ticket to workers to enter specific work areas in construction sites. It enlists the works to be performed at the site, inherent hazards in the task, the requisite preparation and precautions to be followed and the team members’ competencies for performing the job. High-risk zones like welding areas, electrical installations, work spaces in the vicinity of heavy machinery, working in heights, site excavations etc need special permits for access.
As far as construction sites are concerned, the types of work permits that are in vogue are
Hot Work Permits
Cold Work Permits
Confined Spaces Work Permits
Chemical Work Permits
Height Work Permit
Excavation Permit
Typically, it is the duty of the Site Supervisor /Manager to make out the work permits. They are expected to check the training credentials of people assigned to work at the sites before ticking them eligible for the task.
Traditional paper-based work permit system is laborious, cumbersome and time consuming. More over due to its very nature of dependency on human element, chances of skipping vital information are high. Digital solutions like SafetyApp can overcome these hurdles effectively and ensure to provide smoother workflows and safer work places. The entire process of preparing a typical work permit is accomplished in minimal time frame and saves back and forth movement of paper forms. Authorized employees can authenticate the process electronically and can be transmitted for further action.
Additionally, data can be captured through technology tools and can be aggregated at the touch of a button. Signatures of makers and checkers of work permits can be captured with date stamp, Geo Location for future reference and fixing responsibilities.
Improved communication and transparency between workers and project managers as also between safety team and management helps in efficient deployment of skilled labor and minimize risk on sites.
Digitizing work permit system ensures robust audit trails to find and fix compliance lapses at construction sites.
With preconfigured checklists, SafetyApp standardizes the work permits not only across all sites, but also with all contractors.
Checklist approach in the work permit will ensure data to remain clean and error-free.
Notifications, Mobile interface saves organizational time in Making – Checking work permit process with faster approvals.
A safe and fool-proof work permit system is essential to effectively put in place necessary precautions required to overcome the hazards of a construction site. Depending on paper mode is risky and costly too. Move on to digital solution and reap the benefits of providing a safe work environment to your employees.