Be the part of the fast moving construction industry
Going digital is not a new idea for the construction industry. We have seen this industry adopt digitization from more than a decade now and experts say there is still room for improvement. Most of the digitization space is focused on enhancing efficiency of operations in the realm of architecture, drawing, enterprise resource planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The equally vital aspect of Safety is going to be next area for the digitization movement.
‘Why Paperless?’ is the most common question that comes next.
. Ever since the construction segment migrated to the digital platform, the industry has reaped positive results. Digitization helped in faster information exchange, easy documentation, quicker approvals and eliminating wastage in the resources, time and energy. Now mobile first evolution is automating the processes even at the remote sites and making day to day tasks more efficient.
Prior to digitization, the industry was saddled with issues of visibility, accessibility, lack of transparency and accountability as most of the records were in paper form. Experts say organizations could not take timely corrective actions because they were oblivious to the happenings at the construction sites at any given point of time. Dependance on manual documentation and oral communication severely hampered the possibility to understand the safety trends, derive analytics out of the data they were recording.
Digitization is found to be capable of answering these challenges as well as ringing in built-in safety protocols for a secure ecosystem in the construction industry as a whole.
How VAST Safety App is redefining and ensuring Safety for Construction Industry
Like any manufacturing industry, the workflow at a construction site needs to be adhered to for an efficient outcome. Work related Information and instructions must be available on demand for any of the authorized stakeholders in work for maintaining safe working conditions at construction sites. A meaningful digital disruption becomes paramount in order to ensure smooth and safe flow of work in the construction industry. VAST Safety App factors all these requirements efficiently to provide a 360 degree solution to the challenge of Safety at construction work sites.
Access of VAST Safety App to all the team at your site – project team, safety officers, contractors, management, will help to access safety documentation, task instructions and the precautions need to be taken. Safety app will replace of your paper based safety documentation at site with a mobile app.
VAST Safety App captures all the necessary information for work permits, toolbox trainings, tasks and incidents so that all the information is centrally stored and can be accessed from anywhere by the team members at any point of time.
How going paperless helps?
Fire or any major incidents at site cannot destroy the safety information stored in your datacenter unlike in paper-based systems.
Updated company safety policies or any other documentation can be shared instantly across all the sites, removing old versions- thus eliminating possibilities of errors.
Reporting incidents or safety breaches to all stakeholders with clicks on your mobile device.
Reviewing documentation and instant approvals using the mobile app from any location is now possible.
And most importantly, VAST Safety App is the perfect tool for the governance of safety policies and its actual implementation at site.
Contact at info@vastsafetyapp.com for more information or to schedule a demo.