Construction industry ranks second in the country in terms of employment potential. It provides succor to over 35 million workforce and contributes to about 8% of country’s GDP annually. However, this mega industry is still largely labor oriented with a very low percentage of its workload being digitized as of now. Consequently, the incidence of accidents while at work is also high in the industry. More often than not, such hazardous accidents could neither be averted with preventive planning nor were the workforce equipped to avoid them.
The scenario is fast changing as we see more and more enterprises in the construction industry taking giant steps towards digitization. To a large extent, the need and the necessity to go digital has gained momentum with initiatives and directives from the government. The giant infrastructure projects undertaken by the government sector and a slew of legislations to mandate safety norms for reducing accidents at construction sites as well as put in place a system to compensate the injured have come as a boost to the construction industry-and also to the people dependent on it.
Being a workforce intensive activity, construction is always teeming with all types of workers- professionals, skilled, semi-skilled as well as unskilled labor. The mean level of education is consequently low and the operations being spread over a vast area, ensuring safety of all involved is a herculean task. It calls for a 360 degree access and visibility to the management to monitor and implement safety measures, without which the incidence of fatal and other types of accidents can prove to be detrimental to their growth and reputation.
The construction sector has realized the wisdom of putting in place a safety network both to prevent loss of life and dent to their bottom lines. Digitization is seen as a sure shot measure to minimize workplace accidents. The construction industry has the connotation of danger and it is wise to stay on the right side of the law by following essential safety norms at construction sites.
The Six Reasons Why Safety Is Important At Construction Sites:
Workers lives matter. As an employer, the construction company has the responsibility to protect their lives while at work. Untrained workforce is a scourge for any construction company. Such a team of workers not only wastes the resources but also can trigger accidents at sites. They are a potential hazard and must be trained at their job before being put on work. The managing employees must be vigilant to draw up suitable training programs for the workforce and ensure to monitor and implement the programs effectively. This activity can be better performed with the help of automated software like a mobile app. Manual supervision is too cumbersome and is riddled with loopholes. Safety App is a handy tool for this task.
Safety is directly proportional to the bottom lines of the construction companies. It is as simple as that! Unsafe and hazardous working conditions bleed money and can cripple the fiscal position of the management. A fatal accident at work site can result in the management paying up huge amounts of compensation to the victim or his/her family. A properly planned, monitored and implemented safety schedule of working prevents such fiscal drains. Use Safety App and experience the various other advantages associated with it.
Safety measures enhance bonding among the workforce and result in better work output at construction sites. A worker assured of his safety at the site is more focused on his job and has little to worry about accidents. Consequently, an air of bonhomie and bonding develops among the coworkers which in turn boost their combined productivity at work.
Safe construction sites attract quality workers. They help in ensuring that the jobs are completed smoothly and qualitatively. A safe ecosystem of working is a joy for one and all.
Safety is a selling point for attracting clients to your ongoing projects. Investment in safety yields recurring returns for the management. The company’s brand image will get a boost resulting in enhanced market reputation and steady inflow of buyers for projects. Additionally, larger chunks of investment into the sector flow with confidence. A healthier real estate sector is a great boost to the economy in general.
Safe work spots come in handy for the management in the eventuality of any unfortunate mishap at work. Despite the best efforts, accidents can still occur at construction sites. The employer will be on a better footing in such circumstances with evidence of having safety norms in place. Safety App ensures recording of all the steps initiated as part of safety measures.
Safety is not optional; it has to be imbibed into the ethos and culture of every industrial activity, more so in the construction industry. A properly planned out investment layout in the safety protocols will be the best asset on the balance sheet of the construction companies.